Calculate insulin dosage

HMI (How Much Insulin) is an insulin dosage calculator for carbohydrate-counting diabetes patients under insulin therapy. Counting carbohydrates consists of taking insulin according to some conditions (instead of taking a fixed amount at a fixed time of day), and can better simulate a natural pancreas.

These conditions are usually how high or low your blood sugar is right now, how many grams of carbohydrates you are about to consume (when dosaging before a meal) and what time of day it is (your body might need more insulin in the morning, for example).

HMI takes into account these three parameters and calculates how many insulin units you should take. The way this dosage is calculated can also be configured by the user.

A screenshot of the dosage calculator view in HMI

Read more about HMI in its GitHub page and more about carbohydrate counting in its Wikipedia article.